Thursday 5 August 2010


So I had this idea to try and write a review on anything that takes my fancy, and the niche I chose to go with is that I would do this in 500 words.

My first few attempts were difficult to say the least, I was writing my reviews but going well over the desired amount and some were heading towards 1000 words.

However when mentioning this to Dom and George, they both said that it is pointless finding a niche and then ignoring it, they both insisted that everything I write should be precisely 500 words long, even this intro.

So I have now gone back and edited down all of the reviews posted thus far and made sure all of them are now exactly 500 words, all you have to do is use the articles link at the side of the page and pick the heading of a review that you would like to read.

Here is a little about me so that you can know from where I write, I am 31 years old, consider myself to be knowledgeable about a number of things, but have never done any form of writing in my life up until January this year when I started a blog, so have no training nor experience I simply write whatever is in my head whether it’s good or not.

I’m careful not to say film buff or anything like that as it can be construed as either I’m a geek or a know-it-all, but I will say I am a massive fan of film and television.

I’m also a guitarist in a band and a huge music fan, mostly rock and metal but am open to anything that makes me tap my foot.

Lastly I love playing video games (I know I said I was 31 but so what?) so undoubtedly there will be some mention of my favourite games from different platforms over the years.

I hope that if you have taken time out of your day to read my little snippets that you will recommend me to your friends/relatives/mistresses/butlers so as to spread the love of the 500 word review.

Also not to self whore too much but should the feeling take you I am also on Twitter and you are welcome to follow me if you wish, @marcusjmitchell.

One last thing I will mention is that I am part of a team that records a weekly podcast, we go under the name of The Podcast Four, it is available to download via iTunes if you wish or direct from the website as an MP3, two of the main podcast team (myself being one) also record a Sportscast where obviously the focus is sports while keeping with The Podcast Four style.

Thanks for checking out my little review page, I hope you enjoy what you have read and will keep coming back, feel free to leave me feedback on anything or just to suggest something to write about.



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